bandeira nacional (national flag) #1, 2015
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

Deodoro da Fonseca was led to become the first President of the Federative Republic of Brazil in order to deploy in the country a Republican state regime. As first actions the national symbols were created to represent the recent achievements and the patriotic and republican climate experienced by the country. However, its institutionalization as official national symbols only occurred in 1971, during the military dictatorship under the command of General Emilio Garrastazu Médici. This measure made law the uses and applications of these symbols.

Beyond the exaltation of these symbols as transmitters of the sense of a national unity and sovereignty of the country, both governments have used military force to arbitrate and rule their own will. Therefore, they abused the use of jingoism and ultra- nationalism as ways of an approach between the government and the population.

The series of works “National Flag”, seeks to subvert - from artisanal weaving techniques - the control and regulation of this symbol. I.e. register different ways of appropriation and alienation of the national flag.

bandeira nacional (national flag) #2, 2015
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

bandeira nacional (national flag) #3, 2015
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Gui Gomes

bandeira nacional (national flag) #4, 2016
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

bandeira nacional (national flag) #5, 2016
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

bandeira nacional (national flag) #6, 2016
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

bandeira nacional (national flag) #7, 2016
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

bandeira nacional (national flag) #8, 2016
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

bandeira nacional (national flag) #9, 2016
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt

bandeira nacional (national flag) #10, 2016
cotton, polyester and inkjet printing on cotton paper
90 x 90 x 4 cm
photo Filipe Berndt