genocídio #1 (genocide #1), 2015
audio two channels
variable dimensions (Duração: 25 min.)
voices: Lucas Beda e Marcos Felipe
recording and mixing: Aecio de Souza
genocídio #2 (genocide #2), 2015
black pemba on wood (naval plywood) and 7 Catholic imagery (Sr. do Bonfim, Santa Bárbara, Sant’Ana, São Jerônimo, São Jorge, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, São Lázaro)
24 x 80 x 20 cm
photo Galeria Leme
Drawn Umbanda points where the Orisha symbol is overlaid with its correspondent Catholic Saint statuary. Exalted by many as a feature of Brazilian culture, syncretism comes from an act of violence, as the Portuguese colonizers imposed to the enslaved Africans a mandatory worship to the Catholic Saints. In order to articulate a resistance slaves relativized the forces of their Orishas with their equivalences in the Catholic Saints.